Jun 5, 2010

T-Magi Tea Shop | Copenhagen, DK

A friend of mine, Marc Jay, is part proprietor of WE Architecture. He has a great sense of high impact meets minimal design. Here is an example of one of his designs, which happens to be one of my favorites (it's my blog, I post what I want. Bitch).

The space itself isn't too large, so it really benefits from the sparse furnishings. Aside from the checkout counter, there is nothing in the form of free standing furniture-- combine that with the stark white walls, hanging jars, and sterility and you have a pretty swank, minimalist, slightly futuristic lab. And it is: only that this lab wont ever find the cure for cancer, or even the cure for the common cold. Small details, really. But what it will do is cure you from the agony of a long day of work, a lousy cold day, or (depending on what teas you drank when a child) homesickness.

I also love that Marc and his partners decided to incorporate the tea ho
use's teapot logo into the design of the shop (great for branding purposes), which you really only see when you are standing outside the shop, once you walk around inside, the teapot (made up of hundreds of round perforations) dissipate into simple round shapes.

I haven't been to the shop yet, but it is in my things-to-do-next-time-I'm-in-Copenhagen list.

Jun 3, 2010

Caulfield Preparatory

I have been wearing Caufield Prep since they opened their line a couple of years ago. I liked that they touched into my literary sentiment by naming their line after Holden Caulfield of Catcher in the Rye-- and being real, we both know Holden Caulfield would definitely be wearing this line while going through his existentialist, coming of age, crisis.

Here are two items that I WANT for this summer:

Proteus Tank Henley in After Sex (love the name), and
Baron Suit Pant in Serpico.

If I see any of you wearing either of these I will cut you! Of course, only after I compliment you on how cute you look.